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General Limousine Management GmbH

P.O. Box 2117
8060 Zürich-Airport, Switzerland
+41 (0) 848 007 007,
General Limousine Management GmbH
General Limousine Management GmbH

Every Swiss company providing transfer and/or transportation services for passengers or cargo must have a federal license. The license is issued by the Federal Office of Transportation (FOT).

GLM has been licensed by the Federal Office of Transportation (FOT) for professional, transnational passenger transfer services in both Switzerland and the European Union.


BAV Logo

Our license number:  V7891


No matter where you book, make sure you are dealing with a fully licensed company. Ask to see the license. If a provider offers services without a license, the federal authorities / police can stop one of their vehicles at any time - and, in a worst case, the service may be provided without proper insurance cover.

  • Jump to: Insurance
Illustration Maske transparenter bg



Download: GLM License V7891